Chase the Sun


John Gallagher poignantly shares with us the value of keeping old friends and the importance of making new ones. Masi begins to shift beyond its first 90 years in business while laying the ground work for the next 90 with the same great commitment to innovation, quality, spirit, and good old fashioned love for making bikes. A familiar recipe that works. Enjoy.



Paige’s ability to adjust from her mountain roots to city life by keeping things simple on her Masi Classic Uno single speed bike. With only one gear, her attention is diverted from the bike she’s riding and onto the beauty of her surroundings, something deeply important to her as she seeks to keep her balance in a busy environment.



It’s more labor intensive…. but mentally it activates parts of your mind you’re not using otherwise…




南カリフォルニア沖にある カタリナ島。 そこには 野生化したバッファローが生息しています。